Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 365

Well, unfortunately my goal of 365 days wasn't realised. I can make excuses all I want - I had a rough year in university, I moved, I have a new job - but still it comes down to the fact that I just didn't work hard enough.

It's hard to believe I've been working on Rosehips for a year now, and to be honest, I'm a little angry with myself. A year and nothing to show for it. The book isn't finished like I said it would be. I got snagged in the halfway mark like so many authors do. At this point of the book, writing it is bland and sort of boring.

. . . But does that mean I'll give up?
Of course not.

This means that I just have to work harder. This goal was for absolutely no one but myself and it remains as such. So as not to disappoint myself further, I have a new goal.

I will absolutely finish this book by Oct. 31. Absolutely. National Novel Writing Month is coming up on Nov. 1, so I will finish Rosehips before that, work on something different, then edit and work on the formatting of Rosehips. I don't know when the book will be finished, but the manuscript will ne complete Oct. 31, or sooner.

Hopefully I'll have a new excerpt up soon. I'm going to stop recording things in days now and just post whenever I have news. Mind you, I'm pleased I DID keep up with the blog updating and such for as long as I did. If I ever take on a project like this, I will see it through, beyond excuses and rationalisations. That is a promise to me. The promise to you is that I will write you all an amazing book that hopefully everyone will enjoy.

Thanks for the support, everyone.

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