Sunday, September 23, 2007

Day 7

Day seven already! Time goes by quickly! I'll make my big weekly post tomorrow. Tonight is just a regular update.

I think I will be able to work more positively now. Having a negative influence eating up your inspiration is never good, but I think I may have gotten rid of it today, so that's good! I wrote a short but pretty scene involving Rosehips' friend, Bluebell, a pan flute and some fireflies. I liked the image it evoked very much and I may do an illustration of it.

Some work on the doll tonight as well. The head is mostly sewn, and I made an excursion to fabric and craft stores today to find materials for her clothing. I'll certainly post a picture here when she is finished!

I'll write up the big post tomorrow and try to get a lot done so I can tell you all about it!

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