Monday, September 24, 2007

Day 8 + Weekly progress report

Today's progress

I'll be honest: I really didn't get a whole lot done. I have excuses, but no good ones . . . mostly due to school work and house work. I wanted to write for the past hour, but instead school work
took up my time. I did a lot of cooking tonight, too, and that didn't help.

My Rosehips doll is looking pretty cute, though! Her entire body is almost done. Her head and legs just need to be sewn on. After that, I will have to make her clothes, paint her face and do her hair. I'm still not sure what to do about her wings, though.

Weekly progress report

As of last week, I have written half of the first chapter, nearly finished the first illustration
and gotten quite far on the doll. However, I'm certainly not making the progress I would like to be. I will have to set a time each day in which I can write, and I will have to do it alone because I am fairly easily distracted.

Henceforth, I set this time from 9:30-10:30. Every night I will have to take that hour to write, now. That is my second, smaller goal.

Talk to you tomorrow, and I'll let you know how the writing hour goes.

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