Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Day 9

Excellent progress today! It seems the writing hour works like a charm, especially if I write sporadically throughout the day. I finished the first chapter and started the second with this! Mind you, the chapters are quite short due to this being a children's book, but nevertheless the first is done and the second is on its way!

I'm celebrating this by having a cookie, even though I'm not supposed to eat after 8 PM.

Aside from the writing, I have the hair for the doll mostly finished! It just needs to be sewn onto her head, then styled. I can probably get this done before bed tonight. I also need to sew on her little pointed ears.

Another bit of progress! I am on a roll today! I started a personal encyclopedia for the Lemon Forest, which includes creatures, plants, other inhabitants and nobility among the fairy ranks. Common fairies are named after flowers, where we get Rosehips, Bluebell, and Amaranth, and noble fairies are named after fruits. I decided to make this encyclopedia in part because I am going away this weekend and will have no access to a computer for a couple of days - this also means no blog posts during those days. This means I will do work for the book, though, even if I'm gone!


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