Monday, September 17, 2007


Hi there, and welcome to my new Blog! This will be about
number five for me, but this one is going to be a very
important one for the next 365 days of my life. Inspired
by a thread in the Nightwish forums, I am going to
chronicle my latest goal/project, and I'm going to
complete this project in 365 days.

This project involves me doing what I have always wanted
to do: I am writing and illustrating a children's fantasy
novella. This isn't the first I have written, but it is
the first I have extensively planned and the first I will
have published, for certain, by next year.

This isn't to say, necessarily, that publication companies
might be interested. Not at all. If I am unsuccessful in
getting the book published with a group, I will see that it
is self-published and self-distributed. I am determined to
do so.

Why am I doing this, especially while I'm in university?
Am I crazy? Am I impatient? Am I crying for attention?

Life is short. I could die at any time, and if I did,
I would die without living my lifelong dream: to be a
published author. Writing is my passion; it's something
I can't imagine myself not doing, and I want to share
what I write with the world. Every day, if I have access
to a computer, I will write in this Blog to tell those
following my progress with my book.

In closing, I would like to tell everyone this: follow
your dream. Be proud of it. Do what you want with your
life. I would encourage you to read this post I found
on the Nightwish forums, as well, and to take this same

Thanks for coming along for the ride!
K. Cooper


DecemberFlower said...

Sounds exciting. I've been wanting to take up writing again for a while, but I just haven't come up with ideas good enough to put into written form. :/

Nekonezume/Katie C. said...

That's really unfortunate! :/ You should try sticking with some things that really inspire you . . . music or poetry or walks help me, I find.

I also get a lot of my ideas through dreams. Do you remember your dreams at all?