Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Day 17

Quite a bit of writing done today! I finished the second chapter with a somewhat forboding note in order to keep the reader interested. This chapter was fun to write because I included a pair of comical characters named Trees and Chauncey. Trees is an emerald beetle with a large moustache, a monocle and a top hat, and Chauncey is his trusted steed: he is a big, ugly boar with a blue ribbon
with a bow around his neck. I drew sketches of them today, and I'd like to do some inked illustrations of them for the book.

I worked very little on the encyclopedia today, but I'm working on the entry about elves. They're fun little creatures!

This weekend I'll be going home, which is something I'm really excited about. It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and the fall colours are so beautiful and inspiring! I hope I'll be able to write quite a bit this weekend and possibly work on my other project. Check out my main blog if you're interested in that.


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