Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Day 44

Hello, hello! I apologise for taking such a hiatus, but I needed a week or so to get my bearings together again. I'm into my study week, so I have more free time and I'm starting to get back into the swing of things. I decided to wait until after the weekly progress report so that I would be able to fully remember what I did for next week's progress report.

My goal for this coming week, meaning to be accomplished by Monday, is to finish chapter four and get started on chapter five.

Today I got a bit of writing done and I named the lighthouse-keeper. His name is Marcus McGillp. He will appear soon, so I've been working on his character a bit. I like him a lot. I wrote a fairly large bit as well and changed what I was working on. I didn't like the direction it was heading in at first, so I completely turned it around and now I'm pleased.

Please feel free to read the writing sample beneath this one and let me know how you feel about it. Constructive criticism is always welcomed and appreciated, and I hope you enjoy! Sorry about the wide gap between updates. I hope that won't happen again.


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