Monday, October 15, 2007

Day 29 + weekly progress report

Eeeshhhh. No, I haven't died, and nor have I given up. Just this past weekend has been busy! I was at a wedding and Halloween party (not the same thing though) on Saturday, I was working on homework yesterday and homework today. So yeah, not a whole lot in the writing department, I'm afraid. Tomorrow is my busiest day of the week, but I hope I'll at least get SOME writing done. I usually manage well enough on Tuesdays. I'm really sorry for the lack of updates. I'm not giving up, though!

Weekly progress report

Once again, I didn't meet my goal of finishing chapter three. That's all right, though; it will all come in time. I really didn't get much done at all in the past week! That's no good! As I'm going away this weekend, I'm going to have to work especially hard on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm going to try my hardest to complete chapter three this week, but I won't beat myself up about it.

I've decided not to do NaNoWriMo after all this year. I'm working on AACG and Rosehips, so hopefully that will be enough. I also have other things on the go, such as singing lessons and other things, so I'd rather focus on that. Plus, I'm writing plenty without NaNoWriMo!


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