Friday, October 5, 2007

Day 19

I got some work on both the novella and the encyclopedia done today! Not a lot on the encyclopedia, just some work on the elves of the Lemon Forest.

The elves are ground-dwelling creatures, small like the fairies, and they live in patches of mushrooms. They live longer than the fairies because they directly take care of creatures and plants of the Lemon Forest. They like riding snails to get around, and they're close friends with fairies because they grow the shelf fungi houses that fairies live in. They like eating salad.

As far as novella work goes, I started an interesting part that should go by fairly quickly! I'm going on a hike in the woods tomorrow, so I'm hoping that will inspire me as well.

As usual, Nightwish has also inspired me. I was listening to the song the Islander and it made me think of lighthouses, so I'm going to have some kind of lighthouse in the area outside of Lemon Forest, probably on a cliff. I haven't decided if it will show up in this novella or another, but I will write it into the encyclopedia and see where it goes from there!


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