Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Day 23

I forced myself to write today. I really didn't feel like it, but I decided I had to write at least a bit, especially with regard to how unproductive I've been lately. It's been a long day, but I won't let that be an excuse. I got some writing done, so I'm happy and I don't feel quite like I'm slacking, thanks to that. I'm at a part right now that doesn't really focus on Rosehips, as she's doing other things in the background which we will know about soon!

I may post the entire bit about Wildflower as a sample, once I've finished writing it and once I've polished it a bit.



joshua said...

cool blog! My grandma always wanted to write/publish a childrens book but never did... I keep encouraging her!!!! keep up the work!!!


Nekonezume/Katie C. said...

Hey there, thank you!! It's good of you to keep encouraging her; creativity is something that has no age.

Thanks so much for stopping by! I appreciate your comments!