Thursday, November 1, 2007

Day 46

I surprised myself tofay by getting through chapter four. I said I'd finish it by the end of the week, and I guess I did! It ended on a suspenseful note. One thing I learned about writing from reading is that you should always end the chapter mysteriously so as to keep the reader interested, then to begin the next chapter with something different to hold onto the suspense. That was one thing I loved about reading when I was younger.

In chapter five, I will introduce Marcus McGillp, the lighthouse-keeper. I like him a lot, and I'm happy I'll be writing about him soon!


PS: I'm going to try working on this more often rather than working on NaNoWriMo this year. Perhaps next year, but I have too much going on now, and I'm trying to work on a polished novel by next year anyway,

PPS: I've also decided I will only self-publish this book, after a lot of thought. The children's literature market is very competitive, and I don't like competition - it makes me an unpleasant person. It may sound selfish, but I'd rather do things the way I want. This isn't about making money, after all, it's about persuing my dream! I'm looking into's publishing service. Wish me luck!

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