Sunday, November 18, 2007

Day 63

Sorry for my lack of productivity yesterday! I was working on making some Christmas presents for my family and friends. I was up late in so doing and away from the computer, so I didn't really get any writing done.

I didn't get much done tonight, either. I'm working on the Forehead, which is a student review from the English department of my university. I'm its present editor. It's a once-per-semester deal, so I don't have to worry too much about it eating lots of my time, but at the moment it's what I'm doing.

As far as writing goes, I'm nearing the end of chapter six. I haven't been terribly productive lately, but chapter six is a bit slow. It's picking up, at least. Interestingly, there's some good character development on Citron. She's more mysterious than I initially thought she would be, and it's fun to write.


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