Monday, November 5, 2007

Day 50 + Milestone report

Today marks fifty days since I've started this project. I've made a lot of progress! First, I'll talk about today's progress, then I'll go into the milestone report. This will take place of the weekly progress report.

Quite a bit of good writing in today, as well as some brainstorming. I'm going to try making this blog flashier sometime soon, just to make it more pleasing to the eyes. I got another good chunk of chapter five done and if I progress like I did today, I may be able to have this chapter done by tomorrow. I'm also starting concepts on cover art for this book. I haven't made any decisions or anything, but I will likely do up some sketches for feedback's sake.

Milestone report

Last milestone report: Never!
Next milestone report: Day 100

I will do this on any large day number that marks a milestone in this project. This will probably be 50, 100, 150, 200, 300 and 350.

I really can't believe it's already been fifty days since I started this project. I'm still really enjoying it and I do try to work on it every day, even if there are days that I don't do anything. Over the last fifty days, I have written nearly five chapters of fiction, eleven pages of background encyclopedia work, and I have drawn numerous concept sketches. This is a full-colour drawing of Rosehips, for example, this is a picture of Bluebell welcoming you to Lemon Forest, as well as Lemon Forest itself, and this is a concept picture of Wildflower. There are also several others I have not made public, some of them being too rough, unfinished, or just secret! In addition to these drawings, I have also made a Rosehips doll. She sits on my desk and sends me inspiration.

That is my progress, so far, since day one of my project. I still have 315 days left to go.

I just might make it.


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