Sunday, November 4, 2007

Day 49

No real progress today, on this or anything. It was my last day of study break, so I decided to protest by doing nothing. This wasn't very effective. Ah well.

I will hopefully get some work done tomorrow, and maybe even tonight before bed. I just felt a bit like vegging out and relaxing today before heading back to school regularly again. One thing that's nice about writing a children's book (among the many nice things) is that I can feel like a child again while writing this. I really miss being a child sometimes! I hope that any child readers I gain through this book will cherish their younger years and not wish themselves to be adults. I did that when I was a child and I regret it.

Tomorrow, I'm reaching a milestone in this project. It will be my fiftieth day! It's hard to believe it, but I will be about 1/6th of the way through my time on the project. I'm already doing very well with length, too. I won't give any sort of estimation regarding my expected time to be finished, but I want everyone to know that the writing is progressing very well and I'm still enjoying it very much, regardless of my non-productive days such as today!


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