Saturday, November 3, 2007

Day 48

I wrote off and on all day today, what with how nasty the weather was. I didn't have anything else I'd rather be doing. Because of that, I got a good chunk of chapter five finished, and I got to work on another story I've kind of been putting off for awhile. I need to write faster, though I am doing fairly well at about 1/3 of my story! It's not going to be terribly long, keep in mind, though it may be longer than I was originally anticipating. We shall see.

This entire chapter revolves around Marcus McGillp and Rosehips. I will not say how, because I don't want to spoil anything. The next chapter will focus on the main line of plot, and I will likely alternate those two until they intertwine.

I'm really enjoying this chapter. Marcus is a nice character to write about. In all the stories which feature people who aren't what they say they are, it's nice to write about a character who's really genuine.


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