Friday, November 9, 2007

Day 54

The two you see here are Chauncey and Trees, the boar and beetle from chapter two. I started writing chapter six today, and this duo made an appearance, so I thought today would be a good day to do an illustration of them. Here you are! I think they're kind of cute. I just wanted to do a little illustration so it's not in colour, but imagine, if you will, Chauncey with an enormous pink snout and the bow around his neck blue, and imagine Trees is a bright, emerald green that glitters in the light!

I got a few paragraphs of chapter six done today. It wasn't the most work I've done in awhile, but it was a fair amount and I'm more or less pleased with how it's going.

Chauncey and Trees are part of the Lemon Betallion, which is Lemon's personal army. Trees is the brains of the duo, and Chauncey is the brawn. As a symbol of being in the Lemon Betallion, Chauncey later comes to wear a miniature lemon on a green chain. There is only one place to find the miniature lemon, and that is in Lemon's quarters, where she grows them. Miniature lemons are often used to prove authenticity with Lemon, as she doesn't show herself often.

I'm working on a noble fairy at present, and I may post up a concept drawing of her tomorrow or anoter time soon.


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