Thursday, November 22, 2007

Day 67

And I'm back! The Forehead launch went really well and I'm feeling better, also. Finally, I had some time to myself to write today. I was definitely feeling inspired thanks to a video I watched.

Sorry about skipping the progress report this week, but I wasn't in any fine state to write one. To make up for it, on my own terms particularly, I finished chapter six this evening. I'm very happy because I think chapter seven is going to be very interesting. Actually, I'm hoping that the subsequent chapters will be interesting. Six was a little uneventful, but it picked up at the end, and I unintentionally tied together a plot inconsistancy I was having trouble with! Excellent!

I also worked a small bit on the encyclopedia today. Not too much, but I did start a new entry on "Humans and the Lemon Forest".

I'm hoping to get some writing done this weekend. I'm thinking of cover ideas and book titles as well at the moment.


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