Friday, November 23, 2007

Day 68 + excerpt

Hello hello! I had a nice evening today. My boyfriend and I stayed in and watched The Village and Sleepy Hollow. It was my first time seeing these films and I enjoyed them very much, especially The Village.

In any event, I got some writing done today and I thought I'd share some of it with you. I started chapter seven, which I'm already enjoying, and I hope you enjoy it, too. Comments, criticism and carrot cake are always welcome!

Excerpt of chapter seven

Rosehips awoke in the morning to the sight of burning embers in the fireplace. She stretched and yawned, still feeling some semblance of warmth from the dying flames, and she sat up and glanced around.
A warm morning light was pouring through the nearby window, and Rosehips could see book dust dancing in its glow. Outside the window, the sky was blue and bright, with but a few fluffy, white clouds scattered here and there. Rosehips spied the book Marcus had been reading the night before, shut and with a gold ribbon bookmark placed somewhere near the middle. It sat alone on the nearby table, where an old white candle with a blackened wick and layers of melted wax sat in a bronze holder. Rosehips stood and drifted over to the book. Stamped on its dark blue cover and written in gold were the words "A Book of Fairy Tales". The book was much too heavy for Rosehips to pick up and read, but all the same, she pushed the cover open.
"Snow White and Rose Red?" she read aloud. "But none of these are about fairies!"
"Rosehips?" came Marcus' voice came from the other room. "Is that you?"
"Yes!" Rosehips called back, shutting the cover. This kicked up a bit of dust that had Rosehips coughing.
"Good, ye're awake!" came Marcus' voice again. "Come into the kitchen when ye're ready." Rosehips caught her breath, shooing the book dust away with a tiny hand, and made her way into the kitchen.


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