Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Day 72

Sorry about the lack of updates. End of term, and the exams that come with it, approaches!
Writing is not something I have a whole lot of time for at present, sadly. I just did a bit of writing today, and a lot of work on the map of Lemon Forest. I think it looks quite nice. I'm just doing up a rough sketch of it on lined paper, but I'm going to do a large inked version to go in the book! I'll just show you guys the pre-production, and no one else, because there are a few secrets to be found! Nothing that will be explained, of course, but definitely a few interesting things. I'm not sure when this will be done, or how much I'll be able to update over the coming weeks, but nonetheless. . . .

Also, I changed the name of the Lemon Betallion to Lemon-Aid! We can thank my mother for that one!


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